Hello. I came to Earth to look at pictures and read words. I also like to make them, and invite you all to read my words and pictures.
I like stories. I like pictures. I like the moving pictures.
I like you too.
I spent much longer on this than i usually do for IF drawings. Hours and hours and hours. And I'm not sure why, because the idea didn't even really excite me originally. Still, if it makes a monster happy........
Brian tried everything to lose weight, but he never seemed to find the right diet for him. Then, one day, a friend introduced him to brains, braaaaiiiiiiiinssss..................
After a brief time sans internet, this is my first IF upload for a few weeks.
I guess sometimes it feels like the whole world has something you don't, or that the world won't let you be a part of it. Sometimes its hard to keep your perspective of what is and what isn't important, especially when it seems like you're in a different place to everyone else.
This is my image for IF's topic 'Climbing'. I tried something a bit different, using Blender to create rendered 3d models and importing them into the GIMP, combining them with hand-drawn and scanned elements.